Release Notes

Accredo 6 – Version


ALL - All Modules

Reduce Toolbar flicker.

Improve Copy or Move and link saving when initiated while links are not in edit mode.

Work around Adobe Reader 64-bit file open issue for ViewPDF function.

AP - Accounts Payable

Fix missing sort by DocumentNo for AP Shipment Add Order Lines, select Order dropdown.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Add new AR Transactions layout: Aged Transactions Due Date. Reports for customers matching the selected Statement Aging Unit and Count and ages factoring in Invoice Due Date and any Hold amounts.

CB - Cash Book

Added ApplyRules as a data level method for CBStatementData.

CO - Company

When Use Private Dictionaries is selected replicate standard dictionaries from System if not already present.

Sort Inactive Store Persons to bottom of IC Store Person form.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Upgrade HTML component.

Allow Trigger Mail Events for Batch Emails independent of Use Accredo Mailer selected for single emails.

Improve Outlook and MAPI detection when Outlook (new) is installed.

Note that Outlook (new) does not support email via COM or MAPI and should not be turned on if non SMTP emailing from Accredo is required. Web mail integration support is coming in Version 7.

GL - General Ledger

Stamp modified and retain batch lines for Standing and Reversing Out batches deleted as part of an Unpost batch chain.

IC - Inventory Control

Saturn only. Posting Bin Movement, Stocktake or Adjustment for a bin tracked location does "bin forwarding" for any affected outwards tracking.

Don't create unspecified ICTRKDTL records for Pending Transactions when turning on Lot Tracked or Serial Nos.

Sort Inactive Store Persons to bottom of IC Store Person form.

Make Pending Quantities available to Bin Tracking Form (Saturn only.)

Separate Document Defaults for IC Basic Stocktakes and IC Stocktake Sheets.

MB - Max Basic

Allow Trigger Mail Events for Batch Emails independent of Use Accredo Mailer selected for single emails.

Add optional parameter to FormCapture function, allowing saving form capture bitmap direct to file.

RE - Report Engine

Improve print to Excel use of formulas for totals and sub totals.

WS - Web Service

Where an Entity is being saved after fields/properties have been populated and a validation on a field belonging to a subobject results in a FieldException being raised the webservice will indicate the subobject and line index in the target, e.g.:


Where the index is 0 based to be compatible with existing target responses of this from, i.e 0 -> First Line, 1 -> 2nd Line


Bug Fix

ALL - All Modules

Exclude Roles from save Customisations for Toolbars and Custom tabs. Loading / Saving customisations for Roles in Grids and Lookups is not affected by this change.

AP - Accounts Payable

Fix introduced tab order issue for AP Shipments with JC Job panel.

CB - Cash Book

Fix beta only issue with CB Apply Rules.

CO - Company

All LastModified fields for files in grids switched to DateTimes (from Strings) and FieldNames corrected (remove space). Affects Script Shortcuts, Script Events and File links. LastModified is the modified date and time for the file from the file system.

FA - Fixed Assets

FA Transaction Entry, editing and on change of date, reject date if outside selected period.

FD - Form Designer

Remove Max saved form sizes which was limiting saved size to 1920.

IC - Inventory Control

Validate Outward tracking for IC Adjustment transactions against In Stock rather than Available.

Fix introduced IC TransferredToGL issue for IC not integrated to GL. File recovery for IC fixes any affected transactions.

Fix introduced import/export issue in IC Product Batch labels due to tracking changes.

IN - Invoicing System

Users with None permission for Invoices but access to Quotes - permission was not applied immediately in lists. Now fixed.

Fix invoice line delete deleting wrong Packing Slip line when invoice contains lines from multiple OE Packing Slips. (OE on Packing Slip Generation basis and Generate Invoice Per not set to Packing Slip)

JC - Job Costing

Fix IC tracking issues on JC Enter Transaction and JC Transaction Batch where a default line quantity is set and a tracked product is selected before anything else.

Fix exception message: Insert not allowed when Parts are expanded into a JC Batch and changes to JobCode or Quantity are then made.

MB - Max Basic

Replace Assertion failure on unmatched EnableUserAccessCheck call with scripting error message.

OE - Order Entry

Fix Print Status not reset to Unprinted on OE Order after Generate Invoice creates Packing Slip record. Issue for OE Generation Basis = Packing Slip only.

Fix invoice line delete deleting wrong Packing Slip line when invoice contains lines from multiple OE Packing Slips. (OE on Packing Slip Generation basis and Generate Invoice Per not set to Packing Slip)

RD - Report Designers

Ensure Report/Band Code Blocks are treated as ScriptActive.


Fix Access violation with SQL Instr & InstrRev functions caused by first parameter being null.

WS - Web Service

Fix web client email issue when running at system level.

For table endpoints where the table does not have a single field unique index (e.g. ??Bal tables) ensure all that all records will be returned in the request. The server will not provide pagination in this case.


Accredo 6 – Version


ALL - All Modules

Ensure opening a coded record e.g. a Customer or a Job triggers Alarms in all contexts.

AP - Accounts Payable

Limit Contact dropdown in AR and AP Batch Emails to Active Contacts for the Customer/Creditor by default.

Include APShip and POHead custom fields in available fields for AP Creditor Documents tab.

Request confirmation in UI for Unallocate from Transaction Form.

Make PO Order > Order List button, AP Shipment > Shipment List button and IC Transaction > Transfer list buttons locate the current document in the list. This is the consistent with the IN Invoice > Invoice List and OE Order > Order List buttons.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Limit Contact dropdown in AR and AP Batch Emails to Active Contacts for the Customer/Creditor by default.

Request confirmation in UI for Unallocate from Transaction Form.

CB - Cash Book

Image on the button for Add/Edit Rules and Apply Rules on bank reconciliations changed following feedback.

Only apply Grid Line Read Only colour to edit grids when not in edit mode. Improves behaviour in particular for Reconciled items in a Bank Reconciliation while editing.

CO - Company

Added Prune Print Log option to Setup > Company > Utilities. Requires Company > Tasks > Prune permission.

Fix contact selection on Company Batch emails including Inactive Contacts by default.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Add Insert/Edit Expression button to HTML designers and batch email forms.

FD - Form Designer

Add automatic table upgrade when loading User Tables and schema has changed. Fixes "Invalid Domain "Markup" for TnPercentField" exception opening FD form.

GL - General Ledger

Fix GL Subsidiary Ledger selection to show 60 char Company Names.

Saturn only. Make branch and department selections on GL Account Maintenance, GL Ledger Tree and GL Budget forms wider.

IC - Inventory Control

Add AfterExtend event for IC Manufacture Batch triggered after Lines are extended.

Make PO Order > Order List button, AP Shipment > Shipment List button and IC Transaction > Transfer list buttons locate the current document in the list. This is the consistent with the IN Invoice > Invoice List and OE Order > Order List buttons.

Catch Inactive component on Active Product on save for IC Components.

Add checks for in-use for delete on IC Store Person code.

Automation name changed to ICStorePersonForm from ICStorePersonsForm for consistency with ICStorePersonData object. Any scripts referencing the form object will require modification.

IN - Invoicing System

Prompt for confirmation on Save for Cash Customer Type if Banking has not been entered.

JC - Job Costing

Remove parent link for Invoices opened from JC Job Form > Documents tab so that Invoice forms are not closed by close of the Job Form.

MB - Max Basic

Automate SerialNos control in IC Tracking panel to allow setting as ActiveProperty in scripting.

If the user has permission to access encrypted scripts, the default file filterfor loading will include both .pfs and .pfz.

Add MaxBasic scripting support to Print Preview Form.

Add AfterExtend event for IC Manufacture Batch triggered after Lines are extended.

Derive field origins from DomainNames so that MaxBasic memtables have clickable fields for screen reports.

Refactor Toolbar Shortcut loading and add Refresh Toolbar option to Customise Toolbar menu and Toolbar Context menu.

Automation name changed to ICStorePersonForm from ICStorePersonsForm for consistency with ICStorePersonData object. Any scripts referencing the form object will require modification.

OE - Order Entry

Prompt for confirmation on Save for Cash Customer Type if Banking has not been entered.

Load invoice tracking for quantity supplied on Processed OE Orders/PackingSlips where on GenerationBasis is 'P'.

PO - Purchase Orders

Make PO Order > Order List button, AP Shipment > Shipment List button and IC Transaction > Transfer list buttons locate the current document in the list. This is the consistent with the IN Invoice > Invoice List and OE Order > Order List buttons.

RD - Report Designers

Added CurrentIteratorName Report function.

RE - Report Engine

Exceptions logged via the web service will now include more information.

Improve handling of pdf components with other components layered on top.

SP - Special Pricing

Show SP Pricelist Report filename with Open in Designer button when running an SP Price List report.

WS - Web Service

Exceptions logged via the web service will now include more information.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Make Data Conversion from old versions handle Base Currency / Tax Regime mismatch.

Adjust TD Custom Tab Customisation permission conversion.

XX - Install Scripts

Add Webservice stop/restart support to Demo installers.


Bug Fix

ALL - All Modules

Fix error building Navigator when Shortcut tab name incudes a built-in tab name.

AP - Accounts Payable

Fix IN Invoice List / AP Shipment List Insert button enabling based on User Permissions.

Prevent all unallocation outside available periods.

Fix APShipment AddOrderLine method silently failing where Line was FullyInvoiced or Fully Receipted but not both.

Fix AP file recovery error: exception message: Cannot access field 'Period Fully Allocated' as type DateTime.

Fix Allocate Immediately from AR/AP Transactions issue when followed by a close of the allocation form's X button.

Fix case where attempting to delete a shipment while the PO for the shipment was being edited, then succeeding in the delete after saving or cancelling the PO edit you result in doubled up back off of the shipment quantities in PO and IC. File recovery corrects the duplication.

Fix Access Violation for AP Invoice Only Shipment on Duplicate Contra when IC module is not present,

AR - Accounts Receivable

Prevent all unallocation outside available periods.

Fix Allocate Immediately from AR/AP Transactions issue when followed by a close of the allocation form's X button.

CO - Company

Fix validation for Action On Or Before date in Memo Lists.

Fix introduced Alias / Merge error for UOM Codes "Field 'UOMCode' not found".

DI - Data Interchange

Fix issue with parsing line terminators inside quoted fields.

Fix missing SetPermission method on COUserData and SysUserData.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Fix introduced stylesheet issue in email templates causing Invalid Pointer operation errors.

FA - Fixed Assets

Fix Asset Code read only state on edit.

FD - Form Designer

Fix Clipboard getting overwritten when a DataCombo is closed.

GL - General Ledger

Saturn only. Fix GL Account Maintenance Form Branch/ Department dropdowns not triggering opening balance update when not focussed on transaction tab.


Fix drill down from GST Code Detailed report.

IC - Inventory Control

Fix exception message: "Dataset not in edit or insert mode" error when accessing components for a Product where a component Product cannot be found.

Handle round-off in check for negative stock when turning on bin or product tracking.

Fix loading of Bin Codes into saved Detailed Stocktake Counts.

Fix issue with initial state of Product Code selection on IC Transaction Form.

Fix saving of changes to custom fields added to ICLOCN. (Saturn only issue).

IN - Invoicing System

Fix IN Invoice List / AP Shipment List Insert button enabling based on User Permissions.

Fixed CalcDueDate function return value in BeforeReport code for example Invoice documents.

To correct existing documents change

Return = DocDate


Return = CalcDate

for the Function.

Updated example documents are installed with a Server Install.

Fix introduced issue where change of Default Location Code in header was not updating Manual Kitset Usage Lines.

Ensure document is found for Print if moved to history while print dialog is open.

JC - Job Costing

Fix JC > Tasks > Invoicing permission set to write not allowing edit of Invoice lines with a JC Transaction ID. Note that the permission only applies to lines with a JC Transaction ID, i.e. those created via Job Invoicing form or data.

MB - Max Basic

Fix PeriodForDate and DateWithinPeriod handling of a DateTime after midnight on the PeriodEndDate.

Remove exception handling while loading toolbar script shortcuts and customisations that hides exceptions. If an exception occurs please email the error then continue the application.

Fix spurious "Nothing to Generate exception" when generating an IC Stocktake inside a transaction.

OE - Order Entry

Fix OE PackingSlip handling of Supplied Lines Only setting for Packing Slip Basis with Invoiced Product lines without a Product Code.

Fix Product lines with no product code or quantities not printing on OE Packing Slips.

Fix Batch Printing of Packing Slips finding nothing to print.

Exclude fully supplied and previously invoiced lines from Packing Slip Printing.

Ensure Packing slip count is updated when an OE Order is made unprocessed as a result of editing invoice quantities.

PO - Purchase Orders

Fix PO Line Outstanding Receipt ICPEND UOM Multiplier when basifying.

Fix case where attempting to delete a shipment while the PO for the shipment was being edited, then succeeding in the delete after saving or cancelling the PO edit you result in doubled up back off of the shipment quantities in PO and IC. File recovery corrects the duplication.

RD - Report Designers

Fixes to Tracking Detail loading when printing IN Credits or AR Statements with tracking detail.

Fix Paste for copied 2D Barcode Component.

Fix HTML Memo text spacing issue.

Fix missing flip-sign for UOMQuantitySupplied when printing IN Credits.

Fix PictureWidth and PictureHeight calculations.

RE - Report Engine

Fix screen reporting issues with Use Accredo Scaling off and highly scaled primary monitor.

SP - Special Pricing

Fix SP Price List designer loading of Product fields.

Fix Exception message: "SPBREAK missing Record Revision update on SPRULE" triggered when Rules having a saved empty break are loaded and saved.

SYS - System

Fix introduced issue with System User login missing Change Password check.

TD - Table Designer

Fix saving of changes to custom fields added to ICLOCN. (Saturn only issue).


Accredo 6 – Version


ALL - All Modules

Improve Inactive Cell Color issues in Grids especially Highlighted rows.

Support Ctrl+Backspace to delete previous word in text controls. (Ctrl+Delete already supported to delete next word).

Add Find ID button to memo lists.

AP - Accounts Payable

Improve speed for Revalue Foreign Documents.

Add BusinessNo field to Customer and Creditor Report Layouts.

Display Creditor Type in Document Headers.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Add BusinessNo field to Customer and Creditor Report Layouts.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Improve handling of content pasted from Outlook.

FD - Form Designer

Added AddStrings method to FD Dropdown List to allow accepting StringLists as items.

Synchronise FD Form TabCaption with FD Form Caption on change of Caption if both were the same prior to the change. TabCaption can be set explicitly in code e.g. where a shorter caption is wanted for Tabbed maximised forms.

Added new formatting properties to FD graphs.

Set Trigger Object for Custom Form shortcuts on Form Toolbars (i.e. same behaviour as for Script short cuts). Triger Object can be accessed in Custom Form code using GetTriggerObject function.


Add Tax Regime for France.

IC - Inventory Control

Saturn Only - For Bin tracked locations Add Pick To of Bin Movement batches.

Improve handling of UOM changes for Component Maintenance and Manufacture batches.

Make Source and Destination Quantity Available and QuantityInStock available to IN Transfer Lines.

Make Creditor Lead Time and Creditor Lead Time Unit available to IC Supplier Cost grid. Note that Lead Time and Lead Time Unit the the Supplier Cost grid should only be set where they differ from the Creditor values since they are now over rides for the defaults from the creditor.

IN - Invoicing System

Improve speed for Revalue Foreign Documents.

Display Customer Type in Document Headers, and for Cash Type Customers make Credit Limit on OE and IN display Cash Only.

JA - Job Analysis

Apply domains to Report Filter Dataset for use in lookups.

Fix Screen Report Drill Down from grouped Analysis reports.

MB - Max Basic

Add WasInserting boolean property to JCJobData object and ensure state is retained in AfterSave.

Add IsBatch property to Mailer.BeforeSender Triggerobject.

Don't refresh Navigator on Cancel of Shortcut edit.

Added JSONGetKeys function. Takes a JSON object as a parameter and returns a StringList containing the top level key name of the object.

Copy field origin into pivoted memory table so that drill down from screen report works.

Added new Application function GetLoggedInUsers([All Companies: Boolean])

Returns a memory table object that lists currently logged in users. Default is logged in users for Current Company. Set All Companies True to return Logged in Users for All Companies.

Preserve field origins when CopyFieldsByName is used to populate a memory table to support drill down from screen report.

OE - Order Entry

Improve speed for Revalue Foreign Documents.

Display Customer Type in Document Headers, and for Cash Type Customers make Credit Limit on OE and IN display Cash Only.

PA - Purchase Analysis

Apply domains to Report Filter Dataset for use in lookups.

Fix Screen Report Drill Down from grouped Analysis reports.

PO - Purchase Orders

Significant speed improvement for Generate Purchase Order option.

Improve speed for Revalue Foreign Documents.

Display Creditor Type in Document Headers.

SA - Sales Analysis

Apply domains to Report Filter Dataset for use in lookups.

Fix Screen Report Drill Down from grouped Analysis reports.

WS - Web Service

Add Token Scope selection to Token Cache.

Improve WebService login error messages.

Surface JCBatch post to web service:


Add IsWebService MaxBasic function.

ZIP - Backup

Added Folders to Ignore option to Backup, with a default for this in System > Settings > Backup/Restore.

List (top level) sub folders to be ignored by the backup separated by semi-colon. e.g. to exclude Links or Images directories from a backup when Use private Links or Use private Images is selected for the company. Any sub-folders encountered during backup will be matched against this list and excluded.

The command line backup utility has a new matching optional parameter "ignorefolders" which takes a semicolon separated list of paths.


Bug Fix

ALL - All Modules

Fix floating reminder list stealing focus when reminders have not changed.

AP - Accounts Payable

Ensure Fixed Rate is disabled after Post Invoice regardless of Receipt Post Status on Both Shipments.

Clear GLAccountCode for Diminishing Products when on Perpetual Stock Basis for AP Shipment lines on DuplicateContra.

Generate Payments Selection populated from AP Approval will now trigger Currency Entered logic to default the CreditorGroup.

Fix missing permission check for Drill Down from IC Transaction form.

Fix possible exceptions with AP immediate allocation.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Relax TransferedToGL making ARTRAN Comment read only.

CB - Cash Book

Fix issue on automatic payments where flip sign was not being reflected to the controls until edit.

CO - Company

Fix focus issues with minimised reminder list.

Fix possible source of Range Check Errors in WMNCActivate.

Fix handling of very large Error log and Recovery log files in 64-bit exe and add warning in 32-bit exe.

Note: It is recommended that log files which exceed 1GB are resized using the Resize option which retains the most recent log entries.

DI - Data Interchange

Increase maximum fields size for import file to 255 characters from 80 characters for Price Book Import definitions.

Fix issue with importing very small numbers from Excel.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Fix email document previewing in Outlook with embedded and resized images.

Handle trailing semi-colon ; when validating email address.

FD - Form Designer

Fix focusing issue relating to on read only changes in FD for fields within a grid.

Fix possible naming conflicts between custom form tab sheets and form tab caption.

GL - General Ledger

Fixed issue on GL Account on the Alternate Code dropdown which could result in an exception message: Could not convert variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (Boolean).

Fix GL View Add From Accounts not populating additional fields customised into grid.

IC - Inventory Control

IC Transaction, refresh cost price on Duplicate, was already refreshing on Save, this change is about earlier visibility of the cost which will apply.

Re-instate missing IC Product Quantity fields for IC Stocktake Count grid in Mercury.

Fix missing permission check for Drill Down from IC Transaction form.

Fix read only state for Line Break and Line Space fields in JC and IC Batch Narrative lines.

Check StockTake permission in Stock Take List and disable button when post not permitted.

Fix Location Code filters not applying in Saturn IC report layouts.

Fix IC End of Period Update exception 'Cannot access index field 'SourceModule' in the presence of Bin Movements or Bin Counts.

Fix IC Price List Layout picking up incorrect Customer Discount, introduced by change to ARDISC file in version 6.

Fix ICTRKQTY and ICTRKLOT for LotNos with no LotDates in IC Recovery.

Revalidate product tracking during save in care Product (or Location) has been changed which editing document or transaction.

IN - Invoicing System

Fix Location not found errors during tracking update for JC lines.

Fix possible Stack Overflow error on change of Product Code for a tracked location.

JC - Job Costing

Fix spurious JC Balance warning when Transfer from Subsidiaries is selected beyond Last Available Period for JC.

Fix read only state for Line Break and Line Space fields in JC and IC Batch Narrative lines.

MB - Max Basic

Fixes for handling encrypted scripts within events.

Fix User automation object referring to the deprecated MobileNo field.

OE - Order Entry

Allow disallowed Deletion of OE sourced Invoice Invoice with -negative QuantitySupplied when on Packing Slip Generation basis.

Fix possible Stack Overflow error on change of Product Code for a tracked location.

Fix Back Order document class not being included in Batch Printing options.

RD - Report Designers

Fix issue which could result in a pdf which could not be viewed in Adobe Acrobat reader or a range check error.

Fix detection of png transparency. Png object Transparent property is not reliable, now checks if Left-Bottom pixel has full transparency then png is transparent.

Fix image sizing with zoom when report destination is screen.

RE - Report Engine

Fix issues with printing page ranges for reports to screen and pdf.

Fix Location Code filters not applying in Saturn IC report layouts.


Fix Sql Engine Conversion issues for Time Values that are < 0 resulting in "not a valid timestamp" exception.

SYS - System

Fix handling of very large Error log and Recovery log files in 64-bit exe and add warning in 32-bit exe.

Note: It is recommended that log files which exceed 1GB are resized using the Resize option which retains the most recent log entries.

WS - Web Service

Handle forward slash / in codes in WebService.

Fix introduced V6 issue updating IC Sell Prices via the WebService.

Read SMTPTransport setting on startup of web service worker.

Update WebService to use Stocktake Count LineID added in V6. Issue was resulting in "Could not Patch Record" error updating IC Stocktake Counts.

Fix Web Service issue with parameter parsing when an apostrophe is included in the parameter value.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Fix customisation to Mobile No and Fax No fields in Contacts grids not preserved across data conversion.

Fix conversion of SMTP settings. Make port SSL 465 convert to SSL, and SSL 587 convert to TLS.

Fix conversion error for Company with IC without IN.

XX - Install Scripts

Include all GL Chart example files in Mercury Server install.


Accredo 6 – Version


ALL - All Modules

Word Sort Order settings updated to allow sorting by any field in the table not just text fields. Ensure sort order settings can be cleared.

FD - Form Designer

Improve Tab Captions.

GL - General Ledger

Add Stock Purchases Clearing to GL Reconciliation report if integration from IC is set to Perpetual.

IC - Inventory Control

Mark ICTRAN as TransferredToGL on Post/Update if IC Integrate to General Ledger is None.

JA - Job Analysis

Add Pending boolean to JCTran and JCPend for Job Analysis reporting.

MB - Max Basic

Warn when loading a script in the Script Editor if the script is already open in another window,

Added Run Selected Script button to Script List editor.

Make Tracking for current line available in PostLines contexts for Documents and Batches.

RD - Report Designers

Add Export Row and Column properties for Memo Components in Designed Reports and Documents.

Note: Designer version incremented to 76.

SYS - System

Make SetPermission automation method available to System User form.

TD - Table Designer

Improve Tab Captions.

WS - Web Service

Improve error reporting for failed login.


Bug Fix

ALL - All Modules

Fix excessive I/O for sorted Word Lookup on accept or cancel.

AP - Accounts Payable

Fix GL Restricted permission check on AP Shipments.

Fix data conversion not replicating AP Settings for new creditor payment terms to AP Creditor Groups. Review your Creditor Groups payment terms if you have already converted.

Fix issue with synchronisation of Contacts when scripting via the ContactData objects resulting in loss of Primary Contact.

Fix introduced issue in build 107 for discounted AP Shipment line not including discount in calculated ReceiptCostPriceBs posted to ICTransaction as UnitCost / LatestCost.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Fix Whole Balance allocation where discount is entered and customer does not have discount terms so no discount allocation is required.

Fix possible exceptions with AR immediate allocation.

Fix issues with allowing editing for Hold Amount on AR Transactions and ensure Hold Amount cannot exceed Unallocated Amount.

Fix issue with synchronisation of Contacts when scripting via the ContactData objects resulting in loss of Primary Contact.

Fix Overdue Interest incorrectly applying Customer Order No Required setting.

Fix stop credit and credit limit incorrectly applying during Generate Overdue Interest.

CB - Cash Book

Fix floating state issues for CBStatement Print All option.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Fix email editor not loading the dictionary from settings.

FD - Form Designer

Fix FD issue with setting window state at runtime when tabbed.

Fix filename hint with Ampersand issue.

IC - Inventory Control

Fix Memo exception on save when changing a Reminder to an Alarm.

Fix File Recovery for ICTran where transaction is a manufacture transaction and SourceType was being cleared rather than set (or retained) as 'M'. This resulted in Drill Down for these transactions returning a warning saying "Unable to locate source transaction". File recovery will fix any affected transactions.

Fix domain set for Calculated Field SalesGroupName on IC Price List report from Short Description to Analysis Name. Fixes "exception message: rptICPrice.sqlICProd: Size mismatch for field 'Sales Group Name', expecting: 30 actual: 60." error when sorting on the field.

Fix Serial No loss when saving a Manufacture transaction.

Ensure GL Account Overridden is set on Duplicate Contra for IC Adjustment Transactions which have been Transferred to GL when integrating on Perpetual Basis to endure the original GL Account is retained.

Fix Product Quantities and Product Tracking Quantities for not opening on First Active Record from the Navigator.

Remove redundant filter on Group Sales and Valuation layout which was triggering an Access Violation.

IN - Invoicing System

Skip IN Invoice Due Date/Discount Date validation on save for posted documents.

Fix Invoice List / Order list buttons on IN Invoice / OE Sales Order forms not selecting current customer for unsaved document.

Fix possible Access violation for Duplicate As in company dataset without Inventory Control.

Handle document designs which include Tracking for documents claases without tracking.

Fix permission checking for scripting for Write to Quotes when Invoices are set to Read.

JC - Job Costing

Fix defaulting of Site Address for Customer with Delivery Addresses but without a Default Delivery Address (should not default).

OE - Order Entry

Stop OE Order lines on current Orders with zero supplied & back ordered from being marked as processed during conversion from 5.0 to 6.0.

Prevent changes to Order Head and Line Status when nothing is invoiced or back ordered during Generate Order.

Fix Invoice List / Order list buttons on IN Invoice / OE Sales Order forms not selecting current customer for unsaved document.

RD - Report Designers

Fix scaling issues for pdf component in designer.

Handle document designs which include Tracking for documents claases without tracking.

Ensure disabled components do not result in an export row when printing to Excel.


Fix SQL Query optimisation resulting in ExecuteSQL returning the same NextLink repeatedly for the WS in some instances.

TD - Table Designer

Large Ints now supported as Identifier fields in Custom Tables. Fix support for LargeInt in general fields for response bodies and update requests.

WS - Web Service

Large Ints now supported as Identifier fields in Custom Tables. Fix support for LargeInt in general fields for response bodies and update requests.

Fix SQL Query optimisation resulting in ExecuteSQL returning the same NextLink repeatedly for the WS in some instances.

Fix accessing the COUSER table via ExecuteSql, Table_COUser and the COUser endpoint. COUser custom fields are now correctly returned in response to endpoint and SQL requests.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Fix conversion encryption of blank user and system user passwords.

Stop OE Order lines on current Orders with zero supplied & back ordered from being marked as processed during conversion from 5.0 to 6.0.


Add metadata for v6 to oledb/odbc driver.


Accredo 6 – Version


ALL - All Modules

Prevent Installation on unsupported versions of Windows.

Fix Permission Denied errors not passed permission string and level consistently in all cases.

Accredo Remote Support updated to Version

CB - Cash Book

Make custom fields added to CBSMITEM available to the Banking Summary grids.

DI - Data Interchange

Saturn Only. Add data object and events for IC Bin Movement.

IC - Inventory Control

Add warning for turning on IC Receipts is settings if AP is present. In particular not recommended if integrating to GL on Perpetual Basis.

JA - Job Analysis

Prevent grouping on calculated fields early since it is not supported.

JC - Job Costing

JC Job - Clear Date Required on Duplicate.

Saturn Only. Add Department selection to JC Job List.

Saturn Only. Add Branch and Department selections to JC Work In Progress and JC Work In Progress Detail layouts. These are selections against the Job Branch and Department values.

MB - Max Basic

Fix issue with reports not running when application is minimised.

Add WasInserting automation property to JCBatch data object.

Added IsCompanyLocked function in the Company function group.

Returns true if company is locked, false otherwise.

Include stack trace in MaxBasic exceptions.

Disable Go to Error button if User does not have permission to access the source of the error.

MaxBasic functions selected from Script Editor Function menu now indicate optional and variable number of parameters.

i.e. for example instead of




Fix ValidEmailAddress not catching mismatched angle brackets.

PA - Purchase Analysis

Prevent grouping on calculated fields early since it is not supported.

RD - Report Designers

Add Description_Wrap property for IC Manufacture Sheet Designer. Example Manufacture Sheet design updated.

Catch use of F6 in Query edit in Report Designer.

Add backward compatibility support for document iterators sorted by BinLocation (now BinCode).

SA - Sales Analysis

Prevent grouping on calculated fields early since it is not supported.

SYS - System

SSO Import User - Indicate if System User already exists and show System User name to allow mismatches to be identified.

TD - Table Designer

UpgradeTable function improved to use current version Domain sizes regardless of sizes specified in xml for Accredo Domains. This is to prevent issues when V6 tables upgraded using UpgradeTable and stale xml files from V5 or earlier.

Make custom fields added to CBSMITEM available to the Banking Summary grids.

WS - Web Service

Field dependencies updates for Tracking.

XConv - Mercury2Saturn

V6 Converters available.

XConv - Saturn2Mercury

V6 Converters available.


Bug Fix

AP - Accounts Payable

Fix DateFullyPaid handling when pruning AR/AP transactions.

Fixed introduced issue on AP Payments where entering a negative amount resulted in exchange rate being made readonly. This could lead to an exception "Nothing can be changed" when FX and base amounts were both edited and difference needed to push to the exchange rate.

Fix AfterSave Exception not closing Immediate Allocation form for Receipt / Payment.

Fix AP Shipment ExtendedDiscount double discounting for ExtendedReceiptCostBs. Issue only noticeable if Preserve Extended Cost on Receipts and Usages selected in AP Settings, and discount percentage entered on shipment lines.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Fix DateFullyPaid handling when pruning AR/AP transactions.

Relax Read only constraint for Net Amount for AR Transaction form and data.

Fix Net Amount for ARTran not being made read only when allocated.

Fix AfterSave Exception not closing Immediate Allocation form for Receipt / Payment.

CO - Company

Tweak email template default logic to allow empty setting in the Document Defaults and treat that as no template wanted.

Prevent slashes being saved in shortcut and layout tab names, and ignore them if they have been entered previously.

DI - Data Interchange

ARTransactionData object, fix read only for properties not reset on Insert after an IN Sourced Invoice/Credit has been located.

FD - Form Designer

Fix Custom report pathing issue caused by FD OnActivate code.

GL - General Ledger

Fix 64-bit exe Range Check error running a GL Financial report.


Fix loading of Source information for posted GST Returns in GST Return Form.

IC - Inventory Control

Fix BarCode UOM Code checks in Product Edit and Recovery.

Fix tracking consolidation when Product tracking is reduced.

Fix population of default barcode in IC Product Batch Labels.

Saturn only. Fix Inactive Branches/Departments preventing IC Location form opening.

Fix Range Check error printing IC Manufacture batch report to Excel or delimited file.

Fix ICTransaction DuplicateContra CostValue recalculation issue.

Fix "Index does not exist. Table: ICPEND Index: SourceModule;SourceDocumentID;SourceLineID;Class;LocationCode;Contra." error posting an Invoice into a period prior to an Unposted or Counted Stocktake containing the products on the invoice.

Fix AP Shipment ExtendedDiscount double discounting for ExtendedReceiptCostBs. Issue only noticeable if Preserve Extended Cost on Receipts and Usages selected in AP Settings, and discount percentage entered on shipment lines.

IN - Invoicing System

Fix Print Product labels button in IN Invoice incorrectly dependent on OE.

Fix introduced Invoice line posting issue for with nil-value lines with 0000 Unspecified Sales Group when AR Setting to Allow Unspecified Sales Groups is not selected.

Fix "Index does not exist. Table: ICPEND Index: SourceModule;SourceDocumentID;SourceLineID;Class;LocationCode;Contra." error posting an Invoice into a period prior to an Unposted or Counted Stocktake containing the products on the invoice.

MB - Max Basic

Include shortcut type description in error hints relating to missing shortcut files.

Fix Memo sub object automation for Batch forms.

OE - Order Entry

Fix "exception message : OELINE InvoiceLineID surrogate -XXX unknown" error generating invoice.

Fix Product Object positioned on Last Product instead of Current Product for line in OE Packing Slip / Confirmation document designs.

Fix OE Confirmation / Packing Slip design grouped on a custom field throwing "tblLine: Record not found" error.

OE Packing Slip Designer, add missing OrderLine.InclusiveAmount and OrderLine.InclusiveAmountBs properties.

Make ProductCode and LineType read only on Invoiced Order Lines. and prevent deletion of Invoiced Order lines from OE Order on Packing Slip invoice generation basis.

RD - Report Designers

Fix “Unknown font string “N” error" loading document or report design from version 5 containing a QR Code.

Fix AR Statement Iterator Sort replicating TransactionID after preview.

SP - Special Pricing

Fix SP Rule List report layout not loading Rule data.


Fix Domain registration for ICBNCTLN and ICBNMVLN tables.

TD - Table Designer

Beta only introduced issue. Fix TD Custom domain overriding to size 1 char.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Add Conversion Field Alias support for Custom Indexes.

Fix Index conversion for *.MEMOLN. Issue will only affect data which was not file recovered after conversion and symptom is unexpected duplication of memo lines. Fix for anyone affected is to run file recovery on all modules, then edit any memos reporting duplicate lines.


Accredo 6 – Version


ALL - All Modules

Field Status hints will now be displayed to the right of the field rather than below in forms to avoid obscuring the next control or losing the hint.

Preference for Normal / Floating window for Memos/Alarms/Reminders now allows Normal for Tabbed view.

Enable hover menu for Windows 11 Snap Layouts on application windows.

Add Record Count to memo lists.

AP - Accounts Payable

Deprecate AP\AcceptableDiscrepancy application setting, no longer documented and if called returns the BaseCurrency AcceptableDiscrepancy. These settings are stored per currency in COFXCURR as ShipmentDiscrepancy.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Preference for Normal / Floating window for Email Editor now allows Normal for Tabbed view.

FD - Form Designer

Added InlineSpellcheck boolean property to the Memo Component.

GL - General Ledger

Preserve column cursor position through GL batch Find.

IC - Inventory Control

Stricter validation for IC Transfers in Saturn:

* Prevent using Source Location or Destination Location as the Transit Location.

* Product tracking cannot be turned on while the product is on a Dispatched but not Receipted Transfer.

* Bin Tracking for a Location cannot be turned on while there are Dispatched but not Receipted Transfers with the Location as the Source.

IC Product Budgets -Make Actual Quantity totals available to the Totals Data Panel.

ICComponentData add properties for ICProd that do not conflict with ICPartHD properties.

IN - Invoicing System

Add IN Category 1 and 2 selections to the IN Invoice List and OE Order List.

Improve error message for Unspecified Sales Group disallowed when error relates to IN Charges.

Display Order Generation basis in OE Sales Order / IN Invoice header.

MB - Max Basic

Make Mail Editor form script enabled.

OE - Order Entry

Add IN Category 1 and 2 selections to the IN Invoice List and OE Order List.

Display Order Generation basis in OE Sales Order / IN Invoice header.

RD - Report Designers

If Use Private Customisations is selected and label formats are not found in private folders fall back to shared folders.

SYS - System

System settings for Single Sign On. Prompt for Passwords every X days setting which works in conjunction with Allow Windows Login has been modified so a setting of 0 means never prompt for Accredo password (i.e. Windows password is all that is required).

WS - Web Service

Better pagination for Delta's to avoid duplicate entries in responses across pagination.

Add Webservice support for Product and Bin Tracking

Refresh Token endpoint for an unexpired company associated access token will 'swap' rather than revoke and assign so there is no possibility of a race where a win user could acquire the slot.

or properties that are defined as LargeInt the Open.API metadata endpoint will now document these as Integer.

Web Service Worker user login, midnight rollover & 5 minute cache update will write the current SystemDate/Period for the User when UseMachineDate is set to true.

Provide version/build related information logged into the event viewer from the web service.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Fix multi-version conversion issues. Conversion from Version 2.6 or later to version 6 now supported.

XConv - Prophet Conversion

Prophet/Attache Converters for conversion direct to version 6 released.


Bug Fix

ALL - All Modules

Fixed possible Range check error in Spell Checker.

Fix Document List button from Document not applying List selections correctly.

AP - Accounts Payable

Fix Gross Bs not updating when a Cash Purchase is immediately duplicated as an Invoice and the Gross is edited.

Fix file recovery handling of AR/AP Transaction with null date for Days to Pay calculation.

Fix exception message: Field 'OrderNosOrderNos' not found when AP Account Sequence layout transaction band is sorted on OrderNos.

Saturn Only. Leave Branch/Department/Location unchanged on change of Customer/Creditor if Customer/Creditor and User defaults for Branch/Department/ Location are both blank.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Fix "Banking Base Amount does not Balance" error for AR Receipts from foreign currency Customer's when immediate allocation is performed against a debit transaction with a different exchange rate from the receipt.

Saturn Only. Leave Branch/Department/Location unchanged on change of Customer/Creditor if Customer/Creditor and User defaults for Branch/Department/ Location are both blank.

Fix Invoice posting failure when FX invoices with other regime GST are revalued during posting.

CB - Cash Book

Fix file recovery for CB Statements discarding LInks and Memos.

Fix CB Banking Item and CB Banking Summary Memo and Link issues.

Saturn Only. Leave Branch/Department/Location unchanged on change of Customer/Creditor if Customer/Creditor and User defaults for Branch/Department/ Location are both blank.

FA - Fixed Assets

Fix Duplicate Fixed Asset failing for systems without JC.

GL - General Ledger

Fix GL Account Reconciliation missing form automation for filter/sort.

Fix GL Account Reconciliation sorted unreconciled list issues.

Fix dissection narration not transferred to GL for detailed AR / AP / CB batches.

Fix saving of Links for GL Reconciliations.


Fix GST Return Form issue which could result in calculated being set on Unposted Returns. Viewing the return fixes any affected unposted return on load.

IC - Inventory Control

Saturn Only. Fix Bin Code not populating for Stocktake Counts for non-bin tracked locations.

Disable Tracking on a Stocktake until the Stocktake is marked Counted since tracking cannot be entered until then.

Fix IC Count LineID so they are preserved trhough edit. Make LineID available to customise into ICCount lines grid.

Bin tracked Saturn locations only. Fix ICTRKSrl location/bin code being set during save of pending tracking.

Relax Zero quantity requirement on adjustment transactions specifying lot/serial no detail for newly tracked products.

IN - Invoicing System

Fix Print Packing Slip not enabled on IN Invoice Entry Form until the Document has been saved.

Fix issue setting DefaultJobCode in INInvoiceEntryForm.AfterInsert for initial insert.

Saturn Only. Leave Branch/Department/Location unchanged on change of Customer/Creditor if Customer/Creditor and User defaults for Branch/Department/ Location are both blank.

Fix Invoice posting failure when FX invoices with other regime GST are revalued during posting.

JA - Job Analysis

Fix Job Analysis - Invalid Column Name "SourceID" or table correlation name "JCPEND" error.

JC - Job Costing

Fix Stack Overflow error importing JC Timesheet containing an invalid Product Code.

MB - Max Basic

Fix GL Account Reconciliation missing form automation for filter/sort.

Fix issue setting DefaultJobCode in INInvoiceEntryForm.AfterInsert for initial insert.

Fix script recording for filters alongside check list boxes on Report selections.

OE - Order Entry

Fix possible "exception message: Delete not allowed." error after generating an Invoice from an OE Order while cleaning up trailing blank lines on the OE Packing Slip.

Fix Sticky Narrative LineStatus (and OEHead PostStatus) remaining Unprocessed when invoice generated for BackOrder basis.

Saturn Only. Leave Branch/Department/Location unchanged on change of Customer/Creditor if Customer/Creditor and User defaults for Branch/Department/ Location are both blank.

PO - Purchase Orders

Saturn Only. Leave Branch/Department/Location unchanged on change of Customer/Creditor if Customer/Creditor and User defaults for Branch/Department/ Location are both blank.

RE - Report Engine

Fix "Method 'VerticalAlignmen' not supported by automation object" error printing to Excel.

JC WIP report layout fixed Hide Filters not applying correctly.

Fix Report Layout Sorting not displaying when Hide Sorting is not selected.

SP - Special Pricing

Fix "exception message: Invalid class typecast." error running an SP Price List report.

Fix SP Rule form incorrectly defaulting Inactive default to selected.


Fix SQL issue when using Upper with Similar to.

WS - Web Service

Fix web service metadata for CanEdit endpoint.

Fix Error responses for patch whereby the underlying error was being 'overwritten' by a generic error.

Fix issue with Web Service Functions where a parameter is specified without a value.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Fixes for conversion from Version 4 or earlier.


Accredo 6 – Version


ALL - All Modules

Make printing documents more relaxed about missing email templates with template validation only applied for mail destination and fall back from Private to Shared Customisations.

AP - Accounts Payable

Further improve I/O for Allocated Transaction layouts.

Make Transferred to GL field available in Transaction tab grids for AR Sales Groups, AP Expense Codes and CB Analysis Codes.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Further improve I/O for Allocated Transaction layouts.

Make Transferred to GL field available in Transaction tab grids for AR Sales Groups, AP Expense Codes and CB Analysis Codes.

CB - Cash Book

Make Transferred to GL field available in Transaction tab grids for AR Sales Groups, AP Expense Codes and CB Analysis Codes.

CO - Company

Added form and data methods to System and Company User objects.

SetPassword(Password as String)

SetSMTPPassword(Password as String)

These methods can only be called via an encrypted script when the dataset is in edit mode.

DI - Data Interchange

Update PostStatus on Document data objects immediately after Delete.

Added form and data methods to System and Company User objects.

SetPassword(Password as String)

SetSMTPPassword(Password as String)

These methods can only be called via an encrypted script when the dataset is in edit mode.

GL - General Ledger

Fix GL Account Tree print in Excel format not applying Freeze Excel Headings.


Add Cook Islands Tax Regime (NZD) support.

IN - Invoicing System

Make BalanceTotal (i.e. Including Future) available to IN / OE Lists.

MB - Max Basic

Show script file name in Tab caption.

OE - Order Entry

Make BalanceTotal (i.e. Including Future) available to IN / OE Lists.

OE Backorder Report layout - Make PriceCode field from OEHEAD available.

PO - Purchase Orders

Make SupplierDateOfLastReceipt (from ICCost) available to PO Order Line.

RD - Report Designers

Add InformationText property to Product objects in IC Designers: IC Manufacture Sheet Designer, IC Stocktake Designer, IC Count Designer, IC Transfer Designer (Saturn Only), IC Label Designer.

RE - Report Engine

View Saved Report now allows all saved report formats to be selected and opened in their default application.

OE Backorder Report layout - Make PriceCode field from OEHEAD available.


Add TinyInt support to the SQL Engine.

SYS - System

Added form and data methods to System and Company User objects.

SetPassword(Password as String)

SetSMTPPassword(Password as String)

These methods can only be called via an encrypted script when the dataset is in edit mode.


Bug Fix

ALL - All Modules

Fix Guarded file list, WebViewLoader2.dll should be WebView2Loader.dll. Fixed with Server Update so no action required.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Fix issues in the SQL engine relating to indexes that are marked as ExNull.

Fix population of Job Fields on Customer Job tab.

CB - Cash Book

Fix introduced "Transfer Analysis not valid" error when entering CB Transfers using the CBTransactionData object.

CO - Company

Fix Company Contact List throwing Access Violation error when filter/sort was selected.

DI - Data Interchange

Fix introduced "Transfer Analysis not valid" error when entering CB Transfers using the CBTransactionData object.

IN Invoice - roll back unsaved PackingSlipNo assigned in BeforePost if Post is aborted.

IC - Inventory Control

Relax ExpiryDate required restrictions on Manufacture Batch save. (Enforced on Post).

Fix "Period ID outside range errors" saving a Product with ProductCode starting with five or more digits when UOM is Active.

IN - Invoicing System

IN Invoice - roll back unsaved PackingSlipNo assigned in BeforePost if Post is aborted.

JC - Job Costing

Fix population of Job Fields on Customer Job tab.

MB - Max Basic

Fix reserved keyword parsing inside a case expression.

RE - Report Engine

Fix Range check error when embedding very old ttf fonts in pdf documents.

WS - Web Service

Fix Web Service Monitor SSL Connection when there is no SSL failure reason.

Json Case insensitivity now applies to sub objects.

Fix Web Service Field Dependencies comparisons not being case insensitive.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Fix access violation in OE Recovery due to missing Write dependency.


Fix ODBC SQLGetData implementation for getting long data - C# was not returning more than 200 characters.

ZIP - Backup

Fix 7Zip restore not preserving file modification dates.


Accredo 6 – Version


FX - Foreign Exchange

Add XDR IMF Special Drawing Rights as Currency Code.


Add Tax Regime for Tonga.


Bug Fix

CB - Cash Book

Fix issue with posting CB Automatic payments.


Accredo 6 – Version


MB - Max Basic

Added BeforeSave and AfterSave events for ICComponentData object.

ZIP - Backup

AccredoVSSBackup updated to handle creating zip files if zip extension specified.


Bug Fix

AP - Accounts Payable

Fix missing GL Account Code and GL Account Overridden fields in Analysis Maintenance > Transaction grids.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Fix missing GL Account Code and GL Account Overridden fields in Analysis Maintenance > Transaction grids.

CB - Cash Book

Fix missing GL Account Code and GL Account Overridden fields in Analysis Maintenance > Transaction grids.

CO - Company

Fix error checking for current logins when deleting a User.

Fix for SMTP Transport Security.

IC - Inventory Control

Fix timing issue populating UOM code lookup on Barcodes tab of Product form.


Accredo 6 – Version


AP - Accounts Payable

Added HoldAmount and DueDate support to ARAgedTransaction and APAgedTransaction report layouts. Hold amount is excluded from the aging values.

AR only Aged Transactions Days and Aged Transactions Monthly layouts added Hold Amount and Due Date support.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Added HoldAmount and DueDate support to ARAgedTransaction and APAgedTransaction report layouts. Hold amount is excluded from the aging values.

AR only Aged Transactions Days and Aged Transactions Monthly layouts added Hold Amount and Due Date support.

CO - Company

Add ICSELL and ARADDR as tables to be tracked for the Mobile Sales App.

Go to Navigator > Setup > Company > Configuration > Change Tracking,

Edit and select Add Tables for Mobile App > Accredo Sales to update for the V6 App.

MB - Max Basic

Added SetTitle, SetInitialDir and SetFilter methods to InputFileSave and InputFileOpen scripted form controls. Added SetDefaultExt method to InputFileSave control. Added SetInitialDir, SetTitle methods to InputFolder control. All additional methods have the following signature:

MethodName(aValue as String)

Destination Prompt report list updated to make use of the new methods and handle Diskfile selection options.

ZIP - Backup

Include 7z.dll and 7z64.dll in Server Installs and Server Updates, required for AccredoVSSBackup.exe and AccredoVSSBackup64.exe respectively.


Bug Fix

ALL - All Modules

Fix I/O issue with coded bins in Saturn introduced by bin tracking but affecting documents whether bin tracking was enabled or not.

AP - Accounts Payable

Fix AR Customer / AP Creditor saving not setting primary contact.

Fix floating point division by zero issue when using Add Order Lines on a shipment where lines have tracking.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Fix AR Customer / AP Creditor saving not setting primary contact.

JC - Job Costing

Fix issue with initial state of Job Code selection on JC Transaction Form.


Accredo 6 – Version

New Feature

ALL - All Modules

Ability to customise visible Accredo form toolbar buttons.

Add Maximized Style preference under View > Preferences > Display with Tabs as the default. Toggle between Tabs and MDI windows using the Windows View button on the Global Toolbar, or double click Tab to switch to MDI, double click title bar to maximise to tabs. Preferences added for Reminder List and Memos (Alarms & Reminders) added for Normal vs Floating Window. Ctrl+Tab cycles between Tabs. Middle click to close a tab.

Add company setting for Period Inference, to infer period from date. Options are None, Data level Only, Form and Data level. Data level Only is the default. Note if allowing at the Form Level we strongly recommend Available Periods for modules are limited such that the same month cannot be valid in more than one year.

Copy (or Move) and Link option added to Link Tabs and Lists. A default link path may be set by Account File in Settings, Link paths are relative to the Links folder under either the System or the Company folder based on the new Use Private Links option in Company settings. Link paths can include tags to use any of the Account File fields and ModuleCode as folders. e.g. for Customer links path may be <ModuleCode>\<CustomerCode> to automatically create a path of AR\ASHENG\ for the link with folders created as required,

Added memo designers and document defaults. Designed memos handle word wrap and can be laid out as desired.

AP - Accounts Payable

Add Customer Types:

Normal - full functionality.

Prospect - limited to Quotations only.

Cash - limited to Cash Sale invoices only.

One-Time - expected to be single invoice and receipt but not cash sale.

AR Settings to optionally Inactivate One-Time and Cash customers at EOP.

Permissions can be set to allow users to add Prospects or Cash Customers but not Normal or One Time Customers.

Selection by type added to Customer List

Add Creditor Types

Normal - full functionality.

One-Time - expected to be single purchase and payment.

Prospect - limited to Quotations only.

Permissions can be set to allow users to add Prospects but not Normal Creditors.

Selection by type added to Creditor List.

Add Days to Pay to AR and AP Transactions, and Average Days to Pay to AR Customers and AP Creditors.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Add Payment due terms for Customers and Due dates for Invoices. Add Hold amount to Invoices and AR Transactions to allow for part payment to be due. Hold amount and due date can be adjusted subject to permissions,

Jobs tab added to Customer Maintenance form.

Add Customer Types:

Normal - full functionality.

Prospect - limited to Quotations only.

Cash - limited to Cash Sale invoices only.

One-Time - expected to be single invoice and receipt but not cash sale.

AR Settings to optionally Inactivate One-Time and Cash customers at EOP.

Permissions can be set to allow users to add Prospects or Cash Customers but not Normal or One Time Customers.

Selection by type added to Customer List

Add Creditor Types

Normal - full functionality.

One-Time - expected to be single purchase and payment.

Prospect - limited to Quotations only.

Permissions can be set to allow users to add Prospects but not Normal Creditors.

Selection by type added to Creditor List.

Add Days to Pay to AR and AP Transactions, and Average Days to Pay to AR Customers and AP Creditors.

CO - Company

Added Use Private Links, Use Private Images and Use Private Dictionaries settings to Company Setting > General tab.

Add Company Contacts. AR and AP Contacts, Sales and Store Persons, Users can all be replicated as Company Contacts, and contacts can be added directly.

Word Lookups can be used to select Company Contacts for emails when using the Accredo Mail Form. Company Contacts are included in Phone and Email searches.

Batch emailing for Company contacts.

Add Global Links, company level links for easy access to documentation / weblinks used company wide.

Added Print logging for Documents.

GL - General Ledger

Added GL Account Reconciliation. Optionally reconcile Account Balances flagging transactions as reconciled.

IC - Inventory Control

IC Adjustment Batches as saved and posted batches with narratives.

Add Narration on ICPart and Manufacture Batches and support for Fixed parts for Manufactures.

Serial and Lot tracking for diminishing Products. Note that negative stock is not allowed for tracked products.

Add IC Store Persons.

Saturn Only. Bin tracking for IC Stock Locations. Requires Coded Bins and is a per location selection. Note that negative stock is not permitted for a tracked location.

Add IC Receipt Batches as saved and posted batches. Replaces the IC Receipt Batch previously available if AP was not present. Availability is controlled by the IC Setting for Allow IC Sourced Receipts and User permissions.

Added Bin Counts for Saturn Bin Tracked Locations.

Added Bin Movement - Put Away for Saturn Bin Tracked Locations.

IN - Invoicing System

Add Payment due terms for Customers and Due dates for Invoices. Add Hold amount to Invoices and AR Transactions to allow for part payment to be due. Hold amount and due date can be adjusted subject to permissions,

Added Order Generation Basis setting,

Back Order basis for backward compatibility for no change from Version 5 behaviour,

Packing Slip basis for new process and tighter integration with Invoicing.

Packing Slip basis keeps the original class O (Order) active while there are back orders outstanding and generates class P (Packing slip) documents as Invoices are generated, Modifications to invoice lines which relate to a Packing Slip basis order are constrained and update the packing slip and source order.

Added setting to Retain Packing Slip No on Generate, and Orders have a Packing Slip count allowing easy printing of 1234/1, 1234/2 etc style numbering,

Added Order Completion Basis setting with options for Processed Only and Printed and Processed. Determines whether Print status is considered for making Orders historic.

JC - Job Costing

Jobs tab added to Customer Maintenance form.

MB - Max Basic

Added Encrypted script (extension pfz) which allows SetPermUser function to elevate User Permissions while the script is executing. Permission controls none vs execute vs edit and save. Note: Encrypted scripts cannot be opened in the Demonstration System script editor.

Add BeforeSave and AfterSave data level events for Transactions.

OE - Order Entry

Added Order Generation Basis setting,

Back Order basis for backward compatibility for no change from Version 5 behaviour,

Packing Slip basis for new process and tighter integration with Invoicing.

Packing Slip basis keeps the original class O (Order) active while there are back orders outstanding and generates class P (Packing slip) documents as Invoices are generated, Modifications to invoice lines which relate to a Packing Slip basis order are constrained and update the packing slip and source order.

Added setting to Retain Packing Slip No on Generate, and Orders have a Packing Slip count allowing easy printing of 1234/1, 1234/2 etc style numbering,

Added Order Completion Basis setting with options for Processed Only and Printed and Processed. Determines whether Print status is considered for making Orders historic.

Added Print Confirmation option for OE Orders. Sets print status to Confirmed if printed before Packing Slip and assigns Packing Slip number.

OE Document Defaults and Email Confirmations Preferred settings added.

RE - Report Engine

Drill down from report layouts printed to screen. Click when the cursor turns into a hand to open the related record.

Enable Clickable Fields preference added to Report preferences.

DrillDownTable and DrillDownCode properties added to Report Designer expression components to allow adding drill down to custom reports. DrillDownTable - string property an Accredo or TD Custom table name, and DrillDownCode - expression property a unique identifier for the Primary Index on that table e.g. a CustomerCode for ARCUST or a DocumentID for INHead.

SYS - System

User licences do not have to be reserved for Windows versus Web access.

Web session limit is now a maximum number of Web Users, Win session limit is a maximum number of Win Users. If none are reserved first in first served.

These changes apply to the System Settings and the per company settings in the Company Maintenance.

Logged in User and what it shows

WS - Web Service

User licences do not have to be reserved for Windows versus Web access.

Web session limit is now a maximum number of Web Users, Win session limit is a maximum number of Win Users. If none are reserved first in first served.

These changes apply to the System Settings and the per company settings in the Company Maintenance.

Logged in User and what it shows

Add UserReminders endpoint.

Add SnoozeReminder & DismissReminder endpoint handler for web service.

Added DisplayName, DomainName, DomainLookup, DomainCodeField, DomainDescField and RelatedField (CurrencyCode / UOMCode) to json properties metadata endpoint


"@Accredo.DisplayName":"Department Code",

"@Accredo.DomainName":"CO Department Code",




ZIP - Backup

AccredoVSSBackup.exe / AccredoVSSBackup64.exe standalone Backup utility added.

Uses the Accredo VSS writer and runs elevated so backups can be taken with out forcing users to exit. Must be run on the Server and may be run from a CommandLine so can be called as a scheduled task. When Accredo is run on the Server Backups may be run as snapshot if the VSS writer is installed.



ALL - All Modules

Default Memo Reference for Documents and Transactions on Insert.

Increase Reference, Document No, Packing Slip No and Order No domains to 30 characters.

User preference for Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Right extended with options for moving to Next/Previous Word, Column or Field, If Column is selected (it is the new option) then in forms Ctrl+Left / Ctrl Right will move the the closest to the left (and up) / right (and down) respectively,

Switch to AES encryption with Hardware acceleration from Blowfish.

Add Minimum Hint Time System User Preference to make status and error hints hang around for a minimum number of seconds. Click a hint to clear it early.

Sorting by Period Name in Grids applies a sort by Period ID.

Transaction Tabs display opening value for running balances next to the period range selections.

Link indexes changed.

CodeLine and ActiveCodeLine indexes replaced by CodeLink and ActiveCodeLink indexes, LinkID replacing LineNo as the final field in the index.

Alias added for backwards compatibility.

Saturn Only. Branch and Department Codes increased to 8 characters.

Domain "Name" increased to 60 characters.

Removed "Maintenance" and "Enter" from Form Titles, does not affect form names for automation.

Add Open Details button on List selections.

Add Last Year selection for Transaction tab Period selections on Master Files and Analysis Codes.

User Memo List on Main toolbar gives access to all memos/reminders/alarms for easy review / maintenance.

Change Category descriptions from Short Description (Char 30) to Description (Char 60).

Add Export / Import for grid and lookup customisations.

Insert Reminder button added to Reminder List form.

Recover All Modules now excludes TD recovery apart from TD Custom Data Dictionary rebuild. TD can be recovered separately as required.

Output folder selection on Print and DI / File export dialogs. Default Output folder is the SavedOutput folder in the Accredo System folder or Company Data folder depending on Use Private Output in Company settings.

Reset button next to the output folder resets to SavedOutput folder.

Increase URL domain to Str 255 to match FilePath used for Links.

Added Preference (View > Preferences > Colour tab) for Grid Line Read Only colour. Sets the colour for the active line in a read only grid.

Add Field Name selection to Change Tracking logs. If Fields are tracked and a Table Name is selected, select a tracked field to restrict the selected tracking to changes for the selected field.

Make SavedOutputs folder the default output folder rather then system folder. SavedOutputs folder is located either in the System folder, or the data folder if new Use Private Outputs setting is selected.

AP - Accounts Payable

Add Information tab to ARCustomer and APCreditor.

Add default payment method and terms to Creditor Groups.

PhoneNo, PhoneNo2, FaxNo and MobileNo fields restructured and made consistent as PhoneNo, PhoneNo2 and PhoneNo3 with Account and Contact Phone Number Display label naming in Company > Configuration > Settings.

Exclude Not Applicable for Receipts lines from Total Weight and Volume on Shipments

Add Lead Time defaults by Creditor. Applied to Purchase Order lines if Lead Time is not specified in IC Supplier Cost, so the Lead Times in IC Cost are now an override to the Creditor values.

Optional default Branch and Department for Analysis Codes. If specified they override the defaulting for dissections on transaction from the transaction header. Note this applies to direct transaction entry only not to document lines.

Further deprecation of Cheque, added as an inactive media for new Companies, Next ChequeNo renamed to NextWithdrawalNo.

Change Document Lists to use check list box for Document selection.

Saturn only. Add Department Code to Customers and Creditors, defaults following the same rules as Branch Code: Customer or Creditor Department Code overrides User Default Department Code.

Added "Approve For Payment" button and Approval fields to Shipment Invoice Tab.

Added Vendor Code permission to PO Orders and AP Shipments, controls access to the Vendor Code field in the respective document lines.

Improve time taken for saving / deleting contacts via AR/AP ContactData and Forms. Note that new contacts are inserted without a LineNo and LineNo is only assigned if reordered from the Contacts tab or sub object for AR Customer / AP Creditor.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Add Information tab to ARCustomer and APCreditor.

Break Allow Unspecified 0000 Sales Analysis Codes setting into explicit settings per Analysis type.

Add optional Default Sales Person Code to User Settings. If a User has a Default Sales Person Code then it does nothing in AR Customer Maintenance, i.e. it is not a default when a new Customer is added. In IN and OE Documents it overrides the Customer Sales Person Code, Sales Person Code from a Job applies as now. In JC Jobs it defaults for new jobs and overrides the Customer Sales Person Code, Setting will be used by the Mobile Sales App.

PhoneNo, PhoneNo2, FaxNo and MobileNo fields restructured and made consistent as PhoneNo, PhoneNo2 and PhoneNo3 with Account and Contact Phone Number Display label naming in Company > Configuration > Settings.

Require Credit permission for net negative Invoices,

Optional default Branch and Department for Analysis Codes. If specified they override the defaulting for dissections on transaction from the transaction header. Note this applies to direct transaction entry only not to document lines.

Saturn only. Add Department Code to Customers and Creditors, defaults following the same rules as Branch Code: Customer or Creditor Department Code overrides User Default Department Code.

Add CustomerDiscountScheduleCode (0 to 99) to ARDISC for easier access via SQL and Web Service.

Added a Receipts Due report layout to AR Transactions reports.

AR Customer Documents tab add GrossAmountOrdered / GrossAmountOrderedBs to available fields, populated for OE Orders.

Custom fields from INHEAD / OEHEAD are available to customise into the Customer Documents Tab.

Improve time taken for saving / deleting contacts via AR/AP ContactData and Forms. Note that new contacts are inserted without a LineNo and LineNo is only assigned if reordered from the Contacts tab or sub object for AR Customer / AP Creditor.

CB - Cash Book

Add Links and Memos for CB Bank Statements.

CBSTMT is now TD extensible.

Optionally default Branch and Department for CB Transactions from Bank Account Branch and Department.

CB Banking Items list becomes an SQL base list with Record Count and Auto Select.

Optional default Branch and Department for Analysis Codes. If specified they override the defaulting for dissections on transaction from the transaction header. Note this applies to direct transaction entry only not to document lines.

Further deprecation of Cheque, added as an inactive media for new Companies, Next ChequeNo renamed to NextWithdrawalNo.

Add indexes to CBSMITEM Media and Branch (Saturn only).

Cash Book rules analysis by percentage and/or amounts. Percentages must sum to 100% and may only be specified if the rule is not for a fixed amount.

Add Links and Memos for CB Banking Items and CB Banking Summaries.

Add Number Unmatched and Rules To Apply counts to CB Bank Statements so they can be displayed in the CB Statement List for Open Statements.

Default columns for CB Bank Reconciliation changed.

Cash Flow Budget Comparison report layout added to Cash Book Analysis reports. Provides period and year to date actual to budget comparison.

Improve Period range default selections for CB Statement, Banking Summary and Banking Item lists.

CO - Company

Add optional Default Sales Person Code to User Settings. If a User has a Default Sales Person Code then it does nothing in AR Customer Maintenance, i.e. it is not a default when a new Customer is added. In IN and OE Documents it overrides the Customer Sales Person Code, Sales Person Code from a Job applies as now. In JC Jobs it defaults for new jobs and overrides the Customer Sales Person Code, Setting will be used by the Mobile Sales App.

Add Trading Name to Company Details and make available to Company Object.

ID's added and Delta tracking enabled for ICSELL, ICCOST, ICQTY (Saturn only), ICBIN, ICPART, ARALLOC, APALLOC, ARADDR & COEVENT tables.

Handle printers added after Accredo starts.

PhoneNo, PhoneNo2, FaxNo and MobileNo fields restructured and made consistent as PhoneNo, PhoneNo2 and PhoneNo3 with Account and Contact Phone Number Display label naming in Company > Configuration > Settings.

User Preference for Copy FaxNo to clipboard removed.

Add System User Lock Company permission, defaults false during conversion for all but the ACCREDO user.

Add Company Menu Lock and Unlock buttons available to users with the Lock Company permission. Company can be locked without being logged into the company and remains locked until unlocked by the locking user, or the locking user exits Accredo.

Further deprecation of Cheque, added as an inactive media for new Companies, Next ChequeNo renamed to NextWithdrawalNo.

Make TD\Perm\TabCustomisation permission multi level to match the CO\Perm\Customisations levels with appropriate data conversion.

Allow COUSER to be extended via TD.

Company Email settings - Improve and clarify STMP security options.

Add Navigator>Setup>Company>Configuration>File Upload Extensions for white list of file extensions for MaxBasic AddFileLink function and for Image upload.

Add a new Company setting for Maximum Upload Size.

Default value 50 MB.

Setting applies to the new MaxBasic function AddFileLink.

Add Lock Company reason which can be entered when locking a company and will display for other users attempting to access the locked company. Processes which require exclusive access such as alias, merge, backup and restore set the Lock reason automatically.

User Access Times now allow 15 minute intervals.

Alias and Merge Imports - report limited to errors only with count of successes.

Disable Roles Tab for User Groups since these are not valid for Groups.

Link to default email templates in Document Defaults for new companies.

DI - Data Interchange

Add BillToOverride field to INHead, surfaced at data level only and honoured by Post to handle financing options such as AfterPay.

Add Reference field to DI Import designer Line Type fields list. Reference set to Excel Column and Row co-ordinates when field list is populated using Add Fields. DI Import format incremented to Version 5.

Added data level save/delete events to memos.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Added Company Mail Setting to warn if email subject is blank. Selected by default.

FA - Fixed Assets

Added optional CustomerCode and CreditorCode fields on FA Assets to track relationships. Data conversion will set Creditor Code where a relationship via the most recent Addition transaction can be picked up. Selections added to the Asset List.

Add indicator glyphs to Information and Description tabs

Add Next Computer Supplied Asset Code and Allow Manual Asset Codes settings.

FD - Form Designer

Added Readonly FD HTML Memo component. Add a runtime readonly string property "HTML".

Added Designer Component Selection preference to Preferences on System User tab. Default is Use Shift+Drag for Select by Region & Ctrl+Click for Multi Select, for previous behaviour select Use Ctrl+Drag for Select by Region & Shift+Click for Multi Select.

FX - Foreign Exchange

Adjust Rate Limits Permissions, extended to four levels with Control now required to override/bypass the limits.

GL - General Ledger

New GL setting Strict GL Account Selection. If selected GL Account Code controls on the GL Account Form are exact match. Recommend this is selected after initial Chart of Accounts setup is finalised and chart is valid.

Limit Account Lookups for Add To, Consolidate, Post To, Opening and For Total Accounts to valid account types.

GL Account Codes in Analysis and Settings become Exact Match Allow Empty once GL Accounts have been added.

Add Source index to GLTRAN and GLLINE.

Extend Narration fields to 60 char and add to Transaction / Transaction Proxies in AR / AP / CB.

GL Account Tree grid can now be customised and printed to Excel.

Add SourceCode field to GLTran and GLLine files.

Added Tax Regime Integration setting for GL GST Reconciliation Account. If the Account is specified then it will be included on the GL Ledger Reconciliation Report when there is a Completed GST Return for the Regime relating to the period reported.

Amounts in GL Account Tree and Account Balance Enquiry are formatted as amounts.

Saturn only. Added optional Branch and Department code to GL Subsidiary setup form. If specified these are applied to batches imported from the subsidiary during import.

Removed Kwik-Pay Import type from the GL Batch import since Kwik-Pay is no longer available.


Add Rounded setting for Tax Regimes, indicated rounding to whole currency units for GST Returns. Set true for AU Regime during data conversion.

Add Links and Memos for GST Transactions and GST Returns.

Split GSRTHEAD file into GSRTHEAD and GSRTSM files to speed company loading.

Record Gateway ID for filed NZ GST Returns.

Added Tax Regime Integration setting for GL GST Reconciliation Account. If the Account is specified then it will be included on the GL Ledger Reconciliation Report when there is a Completed GST Return for the Regime relating to the period reported.

Make Regime Interval a per Regime Setting.

Help - HTML Help

File and index differences V5 to V6 documented in the help.

IC - Inventory Control

Saturn Only. IC Stock transfers now have narrative lines and editable description. Form is a tabbed form with Memo and Links tabs, and a quantities data panel. Example document design ICTransfer.pfd has been updated for the narrative line change.

Added explicit Counted Boolean to IC Count Lines.

IC component Maintenance now allows items with 0 quantities

Added IC Setting on Periods tab to Inactive Discontinued Products with options for Manual (the default), At EOP, and at EOY. Inactivation subject to the usual constraints.

Component Mode enum made explicit for Kitsets and Manufactures and Automatic SubAssembly added as a property of the Part Header.

ID's added and Delta tracking enabled for ICSELL, ICCOST, ICQTY (Saturn only), ICBIN, ICPART, ARALLOC, APALLOC, ARADDR & COEVENT tables.

Added explicit permission for access to GLAccountCode on IC Adjustments under Perpetual Integration, and GLAccountOverridden field to ICTran. Also controls access to BranchCode and DepartmentCode in Saturn only.

Add ImageType Web or File to allow URL for Image Path for Images

Add indicator glyphs to Information and Description tabs

Add Lead Time defaults by Creditor. Applied to Purchase Order lines if Lead Time is not specified in IC Supplier Cost, so the Lead Times in IC Cost are now an override to the Creditor values.

Toggle Line Type script updated for Narratives in Stock Transfers, Manufacture Batches, Adjustment Batches, Receipt Batches and Component Maintenance.

Optional Write Off for Product when Credit is posted via Write-off boolean on INLine, posts both Credit into Stock and Adjustment out of stock. GL Stock Write Offs Account Code added to Stock Groups and IC Settings for Perpetual Integration.

Update Stock Group Grid field visibility based on Integration Basis.

Add Comment field to ICMFHEAD and ensure it is included in Pending transaction information.

Added SourceType to ICPEND to match ICTRAN.

Source Document Line Class index replaced by Source index on SourceModule;SourceType;SourceDocumentID;SourceLineID;Class;LocationCode;Contra

Use of the old index name in customisations will break with an error and code will need updating.

Clarify Stock Value calculations on IC Product Layouts.

Track CostOfSalesExclusive for Usages with SourceType Job or Shipment.

Bin Location universally renamed to Bin Code with backward compatibility support.

IC Bin objects renamed with backward compatibility, and functionality improved.

Add Part Header to IC Component Maintenance. Allows Created / Modified for IC Part Maintenance and records Serial and Lots generation information for Manufactures.

Encrypted script example to allow edit of Product Information without Product edit permission.

Populate GLAccountCode on ICTransations on create, updated on transfer to GL if mapping has changed in the interim. To allow reporting by GL account destination on Perpetual Integration to GL.

Added Bin Label Designer and Print options.

Saturn Only. IC Stock Location is now an Edit Save form with BeforeSave and AfterSave events.

Add Custom 1 and 2 to IC Manufacture Batch lines.

Allow editing custom field data for posted IC Manufacture Batches subject to IC Setting to Allow Edit for Posted Documents.

IC Transfer documents in Saturn now have Open status for Dispatch and Receipt, prevents posting as on other documents.

Added IC Setting Allow IC Manufacture Transactions. This is selected during data conversion from previous Accredo versions for backward compatibility, not selected by default for new companies.

New Company Setting added for "Allow Serial No on non-Serial Lines". The setting defaults false for all Companies (i.e. new or converted from previous versions and is there for backward compatibility if access to Serial No fields in documents, batches and transactions is wanted for lines without a Serial Tracked Product Code entered. Setting applies regardless of presence of IC Module.

IC Component Form > Price tab, add separate options for Copy Cost Prices and Copy Sell Prices.

Saturn only. Create IC Pending Write-off for Quantity Adjusted in unposted IC Transfers.

Allow Generate Stocktake and Insert Stocktake for Stocktake Write permission. Control permission required for Post and Delete.

Add RecordRevision to Saturn ICBIN.

Product Tracking Query for querying tracking history for Serial and Lot numbers for a Product.

IC Transaction Entry allows access to Customer / Creditor Code and Order No for Issues/Credits and Receipts.

Product Quantities grids ordering updated to match Pending Stock Movements sequence.

Alias Serial Nos option for correcting mis-entered Serial No's.

Added a Product > Tracking permission to control modifying tracking fields for a Product, Permission for existing user set to match the Product > Access permission during conversion.

IC Bin Tracking Quantities form for Bin Tracked Locations. See what is in a Bin currently.

Stocktake Count Type in Saturn is now per Location, with the IC Setting the default for new Locations. Stocktake options for all selected Count types are available in the Navigator.

Added Detailed Stocktake Count type for use with bin tracked Locations (Saturn) and tracked Products in particular.

Add IC Stocktake BeforeUnpost and After Unpost events at form and data level.

Added IC Setting and permission for editing posted documents, i.e. Manufacture, Adjustment and Receipt batches, and Transfers in Saturn.

Detailed Stocktake Count for tracked products and locations.

IN - Invoicing System

Added ICTransactionID to INLine.

Add Line Type default to IN Settings.

Require Credit permission for net negative Invoices,

Example INInvoice Document updated for Payment Due terms.

Optional Write Off for Product when Credit is posted via Write-off boolean on INLine, posts both Credit into Stock and Adjustment out of stock. GL Stock Write Offs Account Code added to Stock Groups and IC Settings for Perpetual Integration.

Add BillToOverride field to INHead, surfaced at data level only and honoured by Post to handle financing options such as AfterPay.

Change Document Lists to use check list box for Document selection.

Discount Mode is now in IN Settings to make it clear that this relates to auto applied discounts from Discount Schedule and Special Pricing.

Add selections for Sales Person and Sales Area to OE Order and IN Invoice Lists. Add Branch and Department selections to OE Order and IN Invoice Lists in Saturn.

Add ShipperReference case insensitive indexes to IN & OE Shipper Lines.

JA - Job Analysis

Extended JCPend to match more of JCTran for better Job Analysis reporting.

JC - Job Costing

Add indicator glyphs to Information and Description tabs

Add Control Quantity to JC Batches.

Add ICTransactionID to JCTran, populated during data conversion for existing JCTran records.

Extended JCPend to match more of JCTran for better Job Analysis reporting.

JC Cost Centre and Component Code Analysis Name domain changed from Short Description (Char 30) to Analysis Name (Char 60).

Heat for JCTran Line No fields increased to 6 from 3.

Enforce IC Cost Prices setting removed. IC Cost prices enforced for JC when a Product Code is used. For cost price to be edited in JC Transaction Product must be flagged as Manually Costed.

Add Show Invoice Button to JC Transaction Form.

Make Quote Jobs have same Status and Active/Inactive rules as Normal Jobs, and include in Inactivate Completed Jobs processing at EOP or EOY.

Default field visiblity for JC Batches, Timesheets and Disbursements modified.

Added Up to Period selection to JC Unposted Transactions report, defaulting to current period for JC.

Add Invoice as a source of unposted JC Transactions on the JC Unposted Transactions layout.

MB - Max Basic

Add Destination Prompt report list option and option to convert existing report list to Destination Prompt.

Added Accredo.ProgressForm object. Supports ProgressType of Bar or Status. ProgressType is an integer property, so 0 = Bar and 1 = Status.

Removed Single Global Variables selection from View > Preferences > Trouble-shooting. This is now the way Global Variables behave, scripting variables do not spread across different contexts. A variable with the same name as an existing variable will be treated as a new variable. This prevents errors caused by variables with the same names in different contexts, such as different event scripts for the same Object, and scripts, imports, exports etc called via functions e.g. PlayScript, EDIExport, EDIImport.

Refer to the help on Passing Information Between Events, and Script Arguments for recommended approaches for passing information between contexts.

Add CustomisationJSON property to Grids and Lookups. Returns the current customisation for the grid/lookup and may be assigned to set the customisation state subject to field permissions.

Add FilterJSON and SortJSON properties to allow any filter structure to be saved and loaded without loss.

Toggle Line Type script updated for Narratives in Stock Transfers, Manufacture Batches, Adjustment Batches, Receipt Batches and Component Maintenance.

Improve automation of lookups with backward compatibility for old properties.

Allow module code to be used in place of module name for navigator shortcuts.

Added new MaxBasic functions AddWebLink and AddFileLink .

Add Created / Modified tracking for Script Shortcuts.

Enum lookup controls can now be automated by setting to the Enum Value or the Enum description.

Add ShowInactive(Boolean) which returns the old value and sets the new value to Contacts, Memos and Links grids.

Added the following batch form Before and After change events:













Added SaveCustomisation method to automated Lookup controls.

Allow JoinTransaction for MemoryTable when an Accredo transaction is in progress.

Lookups and Grids are included in Automated form Properties with the methods to LoadCustomisationJson(Filename) and SaveCustomisation(UserCode) allowing Grid and Lookup Customisations previously Exported to be loaded and saved e.g. for a new User.

Add StringList methods to extract Name,Value pairs directly.

Add IC Stocktake BeforeUnpost and After Unpost events at form and data level.

OE - Order Entry

Batch support emailing for OE Order Confirmation documents.

Add Extended Weight Ordered and Extended Volume Ordered to OE lines and matching totals to OE headers, i.e. extensions based on Quantity Ordered.

Make Product or Location Quantities available to the OE Customer Back Orders form grid.

Change Document Lists to use check list box for Document selection.

Add Always Number on Save setting for OE Packing Slips.

Add calculated UOM Quantity Invoiced to OE Order Lines.

Add selections for Sales Person and Sales Area to OE Order and IN Invoice Lists. Add Branch and Department selections to OE Order and IN Invoice Lists in Saturn.

Add ShipperReference case insensitive indexes to IN & OE Shipper Lines.

Add OE Setting for "Delivery Date required for Fulfill".

Hide / Show Completed lines button added to hide and show status Processed and Completed lines on Unprocessed or Open orders. The default state is set in Users, Groups and Roles - Preferences tab.

PA - Purchase Analysis

Allow Purchase Analysis for systems with AP without PO.

PO - Purchase Orders

Example PO Documents updated to print ProductCode if VendorCode not specified.

Hide / Show Completed lines button added to hide and show status Processed and Completed lines on Unprocessed or Open orders. The default state is set in Users, Groups and Roles - Preferences tab.

Add Lead Time defaults by Creditor. Applied to Purchase Order lines if Lead Time is not specified in IC Supplier Cost, so the Lead Times in IC Cost are now an override to the Creditor values.

Change Document Lists to use check list box for Document selection.

Added Date Expected to PO Header, it defaults from the Document Date based on new per Creditor Lead Time Count and Unit values and applies to all PO lines except where overridden by ICCost Lead Time values for the Product and Creditor.

Added Vendor Code permission to PO Orders and AP Shipments, controls access to the Vendor Code field in the respective document lines.

RD - Report Designers

Added Designer Component Selection preference to Preferences on System User tab. Default is Use Shift+Drag for Select by Region & Ctrl+Click for Multi Select, for previous behaviour select Use Ctrl+Drag for Select by Region & Shift+Click for Multi Select.

Add Report properties to track Modified User Code, and Modified Date Time for Report definitions. These can be accessed from the report object.

Add PDF component for document and report designers e.g. to allow embedded pdf with terms and conditions.

Tracking iterator added to Document Designers. An example Invoice with Tracking is provided.

Report.AgingDays and Report.StatementAging can be set in BeforeReport code for AR Statement designs allowing a single statement design to be used by customers with different aging terms.

Added new Band Properties:

FreezeExcelHeaders - set it True to freeze before or after in corresponding BeforeBand and AfterBand code. Does not show in Property Inspector as it should be set in the Before or After code. Works only for PageHeader and ColumnHeader band types.

FreezeExcelColumns - integer Band property (shows in Inspector). Works only for PageHeader and ColumnHeader band types. Sets number of columns to freeze.

RE - Report Engine

Report Layout customisation now saves filters/sorts as json so simple filters are retained.

Add support for continuous scrolling in screen report.

Improve UI and customisation behaviour for Calculated Display labels such as Period Names.

Separate Automation Name and Display Name for Report Selection dialogs to avoid possible conflicts.

Report Preferences Formatting add Alignment property Left, Center, Right alignment for Title and Selections for reports. When Title goes right the page information goes left otherwise same place.

Record Created and Modified for report layouts.

Added Freeze Excel Headers selection to Report Preferences for report layouts, and Freeze Excel column selection for primary band in Layout Customisation.

Report preferences for layouts have option to hide filters / selections / sorts.

SP - Special Pricing

Separate SP Price List report into a Designer and a Run time.

Discount Mode is now in IN Settings to make it clear that this relates to auto applied discounts from Discount Schedule and Special Pricing.

Make all fields from grid available to SP Rule Maintenance report.

SP Select Rules dialog replace Inactive selection with Include Rules checklist box.

Make Customer and Product selections on SP Price Query alarm enabled.


SQL queries respect user field level permissions e.g. Balances, Cost prices. Note that this does not apply to OLEDB/ODBC.

Handle indexing for negative values in integer fields.

SYS - System

Add support for Company Pools for user licences.

Add System level Audit log.

Change Default Lock Timeout to 60 minutes from 12 hours.

Added System Audit Log, logs failed logins, backups and restores.

Failed logins are not added to the Error Log, note the option to prune them from the error log.

Setting to optionally log successful Login / Logout in the Audit log.

System Settings - Only the ACCREDO User can turn "Use Single Sign On" (SSO) on or off.

When SSO is active the selection is only available for the ACCREDO master user. When SiSO is not active the ACCREDO system user password must be entered when making it active if the ACCREDO user password is not the default password (this will only be the case if SSO has been enabled/disabled previously).

Replaced the Mail QSP option in the Help menu with Contact QSP form which shows all the details from the QSP tab ion Licensee Details.

Added a Web Service permission folder with permissions split out. Data Conversion to sets initial permission levels for existing System users based on Version 5 permissions for System > Settings.

Added System Settings log to track changes to System settings under SSO.

TD - Table Designer

CBSTMT is now TD extensible.

Make TD\Perm\TabCustomisation permission multi level to match the CO\Perm\Customisations levels with appropriate data conversion.

Allow COUSER to be extended via TD.

Allow Custom ID Domains to be added for AutoInc fields in Custom tables.

Prevent AutoInc fields being added to Accredo tables as Custom fields.

WS - Web Service

Add ID's to Line tables without ID's (GLLINE, ICCNTLN, CBSTMTLN) for WS PATCH.

AddFileLink and AddWebLink endpoints added.

A locking user will be included when a record lock occurs for Delete, Patch & Put requests.

Added WS Transaction bound function CanEdit.

Added WS endpoint ExecutePfq to execute a saved query.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Detect data conversion which may run out of memory in 32-bit client and recommend 64-bit client.

AutoInc fields added to Accredo tables are converted to RowID during data conversion. After conversion check the file recovery log, a count of any warnings appears at the end, Search the log for Warning to see the affected table.

XX - Install Scripts

AccredoWebView is installed with Server Installs and Updates and replicated to Accredo Clients. Used for OAuth logins where necessary.

Single Client and Demo Installers install 64-bit or 32-bit client as appropriate.

AccredoTeamViewer.exe updated.

ZIP - Backup

Add System User Lock Company permission, defaults false during conversion for all but the ACCREDO user.

Add Company Menu Lock and Unlock buttons available to users with the Lock Company permission. Company can be locked without being logged into the company and remains locked until unlocked by the locking user, or the locking user exits Accredo.

Add support for 7-Zip (7z extension) format for backups for better compression. Zip vs 7-Zip format may be set as a System Default.


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Get the latest updates to Accredo Mercury and Saturn here. Release notes for both products are also available.

Get the latest updates to Accredo Mercury and Saturn here. Release notes for both products are also available.